torsdag 21. august 2008

Stuff white people like

Websiden "Stuff white people like" lister opp elementer som, ja, hvite folk liker.
Wes Anderson filmer er med på listen:

"White people love Wes Anderson movies more than they love their kids. If a white guy takes a white girl to a Wes Anderson movie on their first date, and neither of them have seen it, they will immediately commence a relationship that is reflected in songs by Ryan Adams and Bright Eyes."

Det er også jenter med lugg:

"the haircut-with-bangs is an important symbol that a female has completed her transformation from a nerdy girl to a cool woman. In fact, if you went to high school with a nerdy white girl who moved to a big city, there is a good chance she will show up to your high school reunion with this haircut."

Studier i utlandet er populært og her får man tips om hvordan man kan fake det:

"If you need to make up your own study abroad experience, they all pretty much work the same way. You arrived in Australia not knowing anybody, you went out to the bar the first night and made a lot of friends, you had a short relationship with someone from a foreign country, you didn’t learn anything, and you acquired a taste for something (local food, beer, fruit). "

Stuff white people like er nå kommet i bokform med 150 ulike emner. På websiden er det d.d. 106 emner, hvorav det nyeste er facebook.

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